Category: slice of life
Real patient experiences

Olympians may age – but my patients just get stronger and faster with each year
In the post-TA world, people need to be careful about what they mean when they say “at his/her age” because I have many examples of athletes getting stronger and faster in their 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th decades of life.
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Groundhog Day: “does Spring begin at winter’s decline or do we wait until the equinox?
Groundhog Day came German immigrants to American who joined the folk wisdom of cold weather being associated with clear skies and the tradition of Candlemas, which was a Christian holiday celebrating the presentation of Jesus at the temple, whose first written reference occurs in 312 CE.
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Renaissance Weekend, Charleston NYE
What moved me most was the inter-generational aspect to the event. You know even before you say hello that the 70-year-old to your left or the 17-year-old to your right will relate to you with the same passion, enthusiasm, and authenticity.
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