Beware the Ides of March (and ideas of tyrannicide)
On this day in 44BCE, Julius Caesar was assassinated by Roman senators who were resentful of his usurpation of power from the senatorial class
On this day in 44BCE, Julius Caesar was assassinated by Roman senators who were resentful of his usurpation of power from the senatorial class
the silver lining of a Trump presidency might be better for veterans. Here is my reasoning based upon actual NEGATIVE beliefs about Donald Trump and my blogs:
I find it breathtaking that the US seems intent upon encouraging a re-militarization of both Vietnam and Japan
Once upon a time, powerful men walked the financial and civil halls of power at home whilst sending peasants’ and their children off to kill and die in the name of God’s glory in the Holy Lands. They amassed vast sums of wealth by loaning money to kings for the purpose of waging wars and they practiced secret rituals that bound them together.
Today is #MondayMusings and Veteran’s Day. Although this is not a political posting, we should check ourselves for logical and moral consistency. You and I ultimately bear responsible for the actions of our nations so I simply wish to point out some recent facts that came to light in the NYT about the presence of WMD in Iraq. How some pundits are using this as a “We told you so” is still a difficult leap for me to make.
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