Anarchy may be our salvation
People are susceptible to bribes, coercion, and blackmail and indeed the office of president of the US is one that ages a person quite rapidly.
People are susceptible to bribes, coercion, and blackmail and indeed the office of president of the US is one that ages a person quite rapidly.
Bush’s vision of a new world order was to allow organizations above the level of language, culture, and nation to reshape the world into a new world order.
“Zionism is not response to antisemitism but rather a response to Judaism; it was a movement to normalize the Jews. The Zionists wanted to be like the antisemites.”
The real war to end all wars was begun by Napoleon and ended with MLK/RFK’s near simultaneous murders
When I meet twins, I sometimes tell them the story of how I once delivered twins but both ended up being the older one.
The current political climate is fueled by this moral relativism that indulges a fantasy that the ends justify the means
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