Category: Podcasts
Real patient experiences

Pete Seeger, a great soul, passes away at 94 (file under “For what it’s worth”)
Although his political convictions were divisive for many, he will be revered and remembered as a voice with a purpose. His was a life that forged an lasting impact on all of us. His beliefs, just as much as J. Edgar Hoover’s, provided the polarity required to power us forward as a species.

They say the first 150,000 is always the hardest…
Yipee!! So I finally got over 150,000 views of my videos on YouTube.

“Tiny Tim’s Troubled Telomeres” – the harming of innocents of Dickensian London
This article describes how aging, telomere damage, and disease susceptibility were linked to the lower socioeconomic status of the Cratchit family, the wage slaves of Ebenezer Scrooge.

Paradigm-shifter, Dr. Janet Rowley, dies
Janet Rowley, MD, was known for proposing that cancers are caused by a genetic malfunction, more specifically by translocation of DNA from the ends of one chromosome to another. What is the process that allows this to occur? It is telomere erosion. This is the basis of my unified theory of aging and disease illustrated by this diagram from my book, “Telomere Timebombs: Defusing the Terror of Aging”

JFK gunned down in Dallas! – where were you?
Even more interesting perhaps than who killed JFK is why everyone seems to remember where they were when it happened…
It turns out that all memory is tied to the limbic system, the system that also controls emotion. It could be that without an emotional valence, all memories would be the same.