Category: News

Real patient experiences

A celebrity asked me about TA-65 and cancer in mice

I got an email from a celebrity who takes TA-65 yesterday. I can’t reveal the name but the concern was over an article about TA-65 and increased cancer risk in mice.

Although he didn’t likely say it, this quote is often attributed to Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Well in this case, it the statistics don’t even show what the article claims. In my blog, mentioned in my email reply, I explain why.

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Guatemalans infected with syphilis to benefit US drug testing in the 1950’s

It would appear that The Rockefeller Foundation, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Johns Hopkins, and US aid groups conspire to infect Guatemalans with syphilis to test penicillin. It’s a conspiracy theorist’s dream. Secretary Clinton apologized in 2010 for this revelation but the courts ruled in 2012 that there is no liability for actions outside the US.

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Easter, Passover, Avaris and a hidden history

Have you ever wondered what historical event Passover commemorates?

I think the answer may be hidden in plain site, as clear as the nose on Akenaton’s face.

Just Google Hyksos and Avaris

The “alternative history” that emerges is can be a gateway to a very clear understanding of history albeit would strike many people as disturbing. But then again, those who forget history are doomed to reinvent it.

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Welcome to The “New” World, Johns Hopkins

So I guess I’ll just have to sit here like Leif Ericson in New England until other Columbi (plural of Columbus?) decide to plant their flag on this wonderful new world of common sense and scientifically-backed conclusions.

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Dr. Park and patient interviewed by CBS news

In this brief segment from 2010, CBS news interviewed me about TA-65 a year after the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for the discovery of telomerase, the substance that TA-65 “activates” and that keeps your stem cells from becoming damaged.

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