Category: News

Real patient experiences

70 years since Hiroshima Atomic Bomb detonated- is radiation good or bad?

The effects of high level exposure to ionizing radiation are devastating and well-documented. At a level of over 6 grays, the mortality approaches 100% from genetic damage to so many stem cells that you cannot recover.

What is interesting is that a lower level of radiation is actually healthy! This is known as the radiation hormesis phenomenon.

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81-yo Vincent is getting objectively younger

There is no reasonable scientist or physician that that could explain these persistent and increasing improvements in a man of Vincent’s age without evoking fraud or inaccurate testing. That is why I continue to study what I refer to as adaptogenic medicine and why it is a privilege to do so.

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Happy Birthday to RECHARGE – Our first year in review

I wish to thank everyone for supporting our adaptogenic nutraceutical, RECHARGE. We have had sustained interest from patients, doctors, and others who are all benefiting from the subtle yet profound effects.

My Lokahi Guru brand offers safety and the highest quality manufacturing of your RECHARGE capsules.

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PODCAST 48: “Karl G – Allstar”

In this really fun 16-minute video, I interview Karl about hitting and batting his age at 76.

He talks about getting into an Ivy league college as his “safety school”, flying three jumbo jets with 5,000 mink into post-war Japan as a 21-year-old stranger in a strange land, and his dream of taking batting lessons from a defrosted Ted Williams.

Finally, Karl talks openly about his experiences taking TA-65, a telomerase activator, and the other keys to being incredibly productive and relatively healthy as he ages chronologically but not biologically. Karl is an inspiration and a great guy to get to know.

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