Category: News

Real patient experiences

Hello Kitty, goodbye family

So just what are the variables that affect population growth?

Sex drive, contraception and abortion, infant and child mortality, economics of child rearing, social normative behavior, anticipated health and lifespan, state or corporate ownership of human chattle.

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To eat or not to eat- that is the question for Jains or for Zombies

We are all murderers but the question is to what extent we are asleep, pretend to sleep, or are just incapable of grasping the immense cruelty that exceptionalism fosters in our politics. Is it our conscience that doth matkh cowards of us all or are we in fact just pretending to not know what is happening?

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Luck is a lie created by ego

So who gets to say what the odds of anything are? Our EGO (Latin for “I am”) is what always determines reality and probability but when we remove the blinders and open up, things can pass more freely into our lives for better or for even better.

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Superheroine, madwoman, or trailblazer? Why choose?

Meet Liz Parris, CEO of BioViva, who last week divulged that that she herself was actually “Patient zero” or first patient was transfected. We are left to hope for the best, say thanks to Liz Parrish for taking a bold step towards her own personal immortality, and will watch and wait.

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