Telomere measurement pitfalls – don’t despair!
“flow-FISH was more accurate, reproducible, sensitive, and specific in the measurement of human leukocyte’s telomere length in comparison to qPCR”
“flow-FISH was more accurate, reproducible, sensitive, and specific in the measurement of human leukocyte’s telomere length in comparison to qPCR”
I would like to compare and contrast what life feels like with and without adaptogens and summarize the cumulative effects upon me.
Instead of being thrown off the the trail by the differences, we should find the commonalities. Both models of aging- oxidative damage and telomere shortening cause chromosome disruption and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell damage and depletion.
This week, the future became the present, as scientists published a study showing that an engineered molecule that facilitates cell death could reverse signs of aging in mice and hopefully cure aging
When I was 19-years-old, I was fortunate to spend six weeks of the summer after my freshman year doing public health work in Ecuador
The best way to keep people quiet is to make them feel complicit in the wrongdoing.
DISCLAIMER: This website is for educational purposes only and is not for advertising. Telomerase activators and nanovesicles are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any disease and anecdotes are not scientific proof of efficacy. All patients were treated in the context of a fully informed and legally-protected patient physician relationship.
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© 2020 Recharge Biomedical
Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness