Good versus Evil? – machine intelligence will never understand
What is good? What is evil? It all depends on your perspective, I suppose. A good day for the lion is surely and evil one for the lamb.
What is good? What is evil? It all depends on your perspective, I suppose. A good day for the lion is surely and evil one for the lamb.
The impeding declassification of the JFK assassination files makes me think of Andy Kaufman, the R.E.M. Song, “Man on the Moon”, and Kaufman’s exploration of the nature of belief and gullibility.
A fascist, by the old definition, was one who suppresses opinion in favor of dictatorial, strong-armed governance, at the expense of plurality of thought and expression
How does it feel to turn 50? It is bittersweet because I don’t feel my age yet still harbor demons that cherish the hidden death agenda.
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness