Category: movies

Real patient experiences

Happy Bastille Day! – Now why the red caps?

I went to get my usual croissant and cafe-au-lait today and was greeted by the pileus, or Phrygian red cap worn by freed slaves during the Roman Empire. It was in commemoration of Bastille Day, or the start of the French Revolution and the end of Feudalism in the modern era.

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“THE AGE OF ADELINE”- The reviews are in – and they suck! (but the movie did not)

I did want to spend a moment to review the reviewers, who generally disliked the movie. What DOESN’T surprise me as an anti-aging believer but DOES surprise me as a screenwriter is how obsessed the reviewers were with the premise and how they misinterpreted the heroine. This only reinforces the quote from Anais Nin: “We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are. “

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