Category: #MondayMusings
Real patient experiences
Let’s redefine ignorance
I was at an ideas festival filled with some bright and accomplished people and I found myself rebuked by what I would consider true ignorance at least three times.

For MLK day: read my screenplay about a slave who became a master – of thoroughbred racing
Before The Great Awakening of the early 20th century, when gambling was out of favor and the collective memory of thoroughbred racing’s “blackness” was lost, horse racing was America’s only popular national sport and that the greatest jockeys were all African-American.
Lack of integration is the root of all evil – one love, one heart
Unfortunately, there are few people and even fewer organizations that have historically chosen to limit their own size or power or vote themselves out of existence.

Shorter telomeres in kids with ADHD
This study showed that child and maternal telomeres were shorter in when the child exhibited ADHD but that there was no relation to paternal telomere length.

It’s the End of the World (as we know it) – unless you support my fund
If you have been amused, inspired, or the least bit interested by the content that I have worked to produce since 2007, please visit this page to donate to my legal defense fund.