Category: Lokahi Guru
Real patient experiences
Obama’s approval rating at 46%, mine is 84%!!
You can keep your own score, but in my insignificant opinion, POTUS gets 4 out of 10 and a 40% grade is probably an “F”, unless we grade on a Harvard grade-inflation curve against other current POTUSes, in which case he might be worthy of a third term with an “A”.

Become a Lokahi Guru online affiliate and do well – as you also do some good
Great news! The website is now ready to scale up so anybody who wants to introduce friends to RECHARGE™ can also make some money doing it.
When you go to, anyone can now easily sign up to be an affiliate and keep track of your customers and friends whom you refer.

Forget DaVinci – Michelangelo’s Code was hidden for 500 years in the Sistine Chapel!!
I would say I was raised Catholic (i.e. Universal) in my belief in the dogma of Allopathic medicine. With time, I see that much of what we are trained to do is peddle fear, engender awe, and prepare for the afterlife amidst the earthly promise of suffering.
I certainly don’t want to go the way of Galileo for my beliefs, but even Michelangelo had a little jab at religious authority and a wink to the rebirth of science when he put a neuroanatomical “Easter Egg” (cadaveric dissection was a sin, after all) right smack in the middle of Pope Sixtus IV’s chapel: