Category: exosome blog

Real patient experiences

stasis dermatitis

Webinar #10 – Stasis Dermatitis

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains the very common conditions of stasis dermatitis and leg swelling. He presents several cases of improvement after use of MSC exosomes

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leaky gut

Webinar #9 – Leaky Gut

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical presents a remarkable case of clinical improvements that may represent improvement in leaky gut syndrome. Is leaky gut a real thing? Decide for yourself

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webinar on menopause

Webinar #8 – Menopause

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains current thinking on menupause and presents a remarkable case of a 73yo who resumed menstruation

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Webinar #4: Knee Problems (and Webinar #5: Gout)

Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains knee anatomy and function. He discusses common knee problems possible role of exosomes to improve knee function.

Dr. Park also did a webinar on Gout courtesy of the world’s shortest attack ever…

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