Every New Year’s Guide to aging
You had one ‘perfect’ copy of DNA in your chromosomes when you were a single cell fertilized ege. Since then, each copy has made successive generations progressively worse
You had one ‘perfect’ copy of DNA in your chromosomes when you were a single cell fertilized ege. Since then, each copy has made successive generations progressively worse
Just as some devoutly religious people dislike atheists, I dislike a-humanists.
this aerospace engineer, long distance runner, and inventor was also the creator of a game we used to play in middle school called “Nuclear War”
CRISPR-Cas is not like a human finding cutting and splicing an old fashioned movie reel…it depends on bacterial-derived micro-machines with an inherent error rate.
Yesterday, we lost a great soul when Stein Erickson, Norwegian Olympian and Johnny Appleseed of Skiing in America passed away of “natural causes” at age 88.
Sadly, as shown in Bosnia and Rwanda, genocide is hardly an anachronism and we must guide against fear and hate-mongering constantly.
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness