Riddle me this: which twin is older?
When I meet twins, I sometimes tell them the story of how I once delivered twins but both ended up being the older one.
When I meet twins, I sometimes tell them the story of how I once delivered twins but both ended up being the older one.
Facebook is where discourse goes to die and everyone merely echoes the poster’s premise
I would consider the best barometer of honesty is someone who is first able to admit how their own dogma is incomplete
Tech companies YouTube, Facebook, Spotify, iTunes, and Mailchimp all acted nearly simultaneously to deplatform Alex Jones and Infowars
Only a single digit percentage of people are capable of free thinking because they are excessively close-minded and usually uncritical
If someone “triggers” you, they have violated your “safe space”
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness