Real patient experiences

To eat or not to eat- that is the question for Jains or for Zombies

We are all murderers but the question is to what extent we are asleep, pretend to sleep, or are just incapable of grasping the immense cruelty that exceptionalism fosters in our politics. Is it our conscience that doth matkh cowards of us all or are we in fact just pretending to not know what is happening?

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Cue “Thus Spake Zarathustra”- Man just became God

Craig Venter, the maverick yet mainstream scientist who pioneered the Human Genome Project and now the Craig Venter Institute has done it- he took real Mycoplasma bacterial DNA- uploaded it as info, then transcribed it into artificial DNA and put it into a bacterial shell. Presto! Artificial life that is self-reproducing.

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Luck is a lie created by ego

So who gets to say what the odds of anything are? Our EGO (Latin for “I am”) is what always determines reality and probability but when we remove the blinders and open up, things can pass more freely into our lives for better or for even better.

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Exercise keeps you younger- duh

People who reported two types of exercise were 24 percent less likely to have short telomeres; three types of exercise were 29 percent less likely; and those who had participated in all four types of activities were 59 percent less likely to have very short telomeres.

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