ATM Kinase plays a role in telomere lengthening
If together, ATM kinase and p53 decide that the DNA is beyond repair, the cell will undergo apoptosis as orchestrated by p53.
If together, ATM kinase and p53 decide that the DNA is beyond repair, the cell will undergo apoptosis as orchestrated by p53.
everything we consider to be true is just a matter of perspective based on ignorance and fear of change
The reason we cannot predict your age from telomeres is partially that the confidence intervals are so large.
I believe one of the greatest benefits for people from taking these adaptogens is a spiritual housecleaning
Researchers looked at umbilical cord blood samples from 54 newborns and found that lower Socioeconomic status and education were highly correlated with shorter newborn telomeres.
And then it hits me.! Maybe science is just like journalism- you take a point of view and sell a story. If science were all that sciency, why can’t it tell me what makes a knuckle crack?
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness