What causes Premature Aging?
Failure to faithfully replicate and preserve stem cell DNA appears to be the final common pathway to premature aging
Failure to faithfully replicate and preserve stem cell DNA appears to be the final common pathway to premature aging
Believing that genes determine traits is like believing that the maker of your tires determines whether you will get a flat or not
If you are at all interested in cosmology and the fundamental nature of the universe, this 37 minute video might be a useful point of departure for your own investigations.
Today, I was watching poor Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, and I was thinking to myself, “what the hell?”
The US Constitution is a document deeply mistrustful of government and meant to protect “We, the People” from it. People have a right to be wrong, say stupid things (especially in private), vote for idiots, and harm themselves.
The fact that progeria-affected kids have undeniable biological aging despite young epigenetic and chronological ages implies that telomerpathies that drive them are still the most robust explanation for aging globally
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness