Real patient experiences

Stress Kills

Every night, Telomerase tries to repair your stem cells, but the stress-induced hormone, cortisol, inhibits telomerase activity, causing your immune function to be ground down, and other stem cells to fail.

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Sleep Apnea shortens telomeres

The dozens of near-awakenings keep the Sleep Apnea sufferer in a vigilant and catabolic (breaking down and using up) state that should be reserved for your on-the-go, waking hours.

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Genetics 101: The least you need to know

Knowledgeable people may consider my stem cell theory of aging to be a statement of the obvious, as do I. But a greater number believe that aging is more complicated than just telomere erosion in stem cells and favor other theories.

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Running up the down escalator

Taking TA-65 is a way to reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for people who don’t have the time, inclination, or discipline to do so but do have the equivalent of a Grande Latte and muffin ($6.60) to spend on themselves daily.

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We are not machines

…research suggests that healthy lifestyle choices may be acting via one final common pathway: telomerase activation.

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