Real patient experiences

Harvard 25th College reunion – Is the Hero’s journey fractal?

So there it is. I guess everything is a reunion depending on what scale you examine. Maybe “source consciousness” as the new age philosophers call it, wants to experience itself through our lives before returning to itself. I’m not particularly spiritual or religious, but when patterns arise, they deserve mentioning. Hope you have a great week.

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Hip pain gone – now let’s dance!

I just wanted to let you know that the TA65 is working on my hip! Two surgeons recommended hip replacement but, then again, that is what they do! When I went to the physical therapist that Ron found, she said that she thought she could help me and she has!!!! I danced for 2 hours at a ballroom dance on Saturday night!!

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Honoring those who gave their lives

Tomorrow is Memorial Day here in the United States, a day when we honor those who died during war. For some historical perspective, here is a list of the seven most lethal wars that mankind has faced. Some people think wars are good for the economy. I don’t agree.

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Does scarcity precede our notion of “philanthropy”? (which is really Soteriology in a hooded mask)

Philanthropy was classically defined as love for humanity, not alms for the poor.

“love of what it is to be human” is the essential nature and purpose of humanity, culture and civilization — was intrinsically philosophical, containing both metaphysics and ethics. The Greeks adopted the “love of humanity” as an educational ideal, whose goal was excellence (arete)—the fullest self-development, of body, mind, and spirit, which is the essence of liberal education.

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