Real patient experiences

Forget DaVinci – Michelangelo’s Code was hidden for 500 years in the Sistine Chapel!!

I would say I was raised Catholic (i.e. Universal) in my belief in the dogma of Allopathic medicine. With time, I see that much of what we are trained to do is peddle fear, engender awe, and prepare for the afterlife amidst the earthly promise of suffering.

I certainly don’t want to go the way of Galileo for my beliefs, but even Michelangelo had a little jab at religious authority and a wink to the rebirth of science when he put a neuroanatomical “Easter Egg” (cadaveric dissection was a sin, after all) right smack in the middle of Pope Sixtus IV’s chapel:

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God’s Speed, Robin Williams

Robin Williams’ heart stopped beating 4 days ago but there is no way anyone can tell me he doesn’t live on in all of us. Just take a look at this clip to understand the depths of his great soul.

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How is a stem cell like a queen bee?

Please sign up for Patrick Cox’s very fascinating and prolific newsletter. It recently mentioned mesenchymal stem cells, which are the subject of my 5th podcast and our “WednesdayWebinar’.

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My prophecies for the 50th College reunion

In 2014, it makes many of us sad to realize that our species as a whole, and we as individuals, have been inculcated with structure and meaning as defined by the things we are taught to fear: fear of death, aging, illness, poverty, being unloved, being irrelevant…

The greatest shifts in the human condition won’t be complete until our 75th anniversary in 2089 but surprisingly, most of us will be attending that one in good health at the age of 97!

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