Real patient experiences

76-years young and getting younger (his ERA and DNA prove it!)

For #ScienceSunday, I am posting this video of a brief interview that I did with Karl, our wonderful patient who was featured in a few of our previous videos about hypertension and sports injuries.

In it, we discuss the measurements of his telomere lengths. In videos to follow this one, I will discuss other interesting cases of even more dramatic changes.

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“Now I am the TELOMERATOR – destroyer of kingdoms”

Well, you may not have felt the tremors but a couple of weeks ago, our world changed and we entered a new nuclear era which may be even more frightening. That’s because the genie of genetic engineering was loosed from the bottle with the invention of something NYU scientists call “The Telomerator”

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How does it feel to be immortal? My answer might surprise you…

My feelings cannot be fractally scaled out like an accordion to experience the accelerated loss of loved ones or ennui with my fourth century of watching reruns of sports, TV premises, movies and wars.

I am aware that accidental death and dismemberment are always lurking because I have no reason to think that they wouldn’t.

I guess I just feel … the same. Life has its own rhythm and it happens, as trite as it may sound, one day at a time. If we are healthy, sleep sends us home each night and with each new day we reboot the operating system and live out the programming.

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Veteran’s Day – our GI’s were exposed to mustard gas in the Gulf War

Today is #MondayMusings and Veteran’s Day. Although this is not a political posting, we should check ourselves for logical and moral consistency. You and I ultimately bear responsible for the actions of our nations so I simply wish to point out some recent facts that came to light in the NYT about the presence of WMD in Iraq. How some pundits are using this as a “We told you so” is still a difficult leap for me to make.

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