Real patient experiences

The “sourcing heuristic” part 2: Brian Williams’ confession

In the end, I just want to keep it simple. If you ask me if your pants make you look fat, I may choose to withhold information or just lie. But if you ask me whether it is possible that telomerase activation could cause cancer or whether all people prefer RECHARGE to TA-65, I’m gonna leave you with some unanswered questions.

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Pharma to join anti-aging…there goes the neighborhood

Just a brief note about pharma becoming interested in anti-aging. First, we assume that aging is a thing, and not just many things, then we assume that nature has nothing to offer because we can’t patent and own anything natural, then we invest hundreds of millions of dollars to earn a potential billions of dollars.

But if illness and aging are combated by a pharmacological solution, say a telomerase activator, then pharma has sown the seeds of its own demise. Just some food for thought…

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