Real patient experiences

Dr. Park on Vietnamese TV show “Beauty, Health & Rejuventation”

Here is the first half of an interview that I did on Vietnamese TV show called “Beauty, Health & Rejuvenation”. I mainly discuss my stem cell theory of aging. It features a rare appearance of my $5 prop that I created of a chromosome (a doggie chew toy) with its telomeres (Nerf darts).

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Leonard Nimoy, not Spock, has passed away

Of note, the mature Nimoy learned the value of being Spock after rejecting it. Of course, one of the blessings and curses of being an successful actor is that you become associated with iconic characters that you play. This leitmotif is explored in this year’s Oscar-winning “Birdman”. Nimoy’s own internal integration was completed with these polar opposite autobiographies: the first was at age 44 and called I am not Spock (1975). His second autobiography at age 64 was entitled I am Spoke (1995).

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Harold Rosen does the swinging rings at age 88

You can take his word for it when he says the TA-65 is helping or you can ascribe it to the placebo effect or other factors.

All I know is, they both love taking TA-65 and have been doing so for over three years now.

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Why HGH is not a great idea

Today, I had a very affluent patient present to me a long list of supplements and testing that he was taking.

I recommended he stop all supplements except TA-65, topical testosterone, and DHEA. I don’t like HGH because it is anabolic but low dose androgens as a replacement may have some role since he is 62-yo and has a normal prostate specific antigen level.

In this 2-minute video, I explain my views on HGH

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The choir preaches back

I did a mini-editorial about a TIME magazine article quoting Blackburn, the Nobel Prize-winner for the discover of telomerase. It generated some interesting comments which went a lot farther than I did.

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