Real patient experiences

Dr. Park and patient interviewed by CBS news

In this brief segment from 2010, CBS news interviewed me about TA-65 a year after the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for the discovery of telomerase, the substance that TA-65 “activates” and that keeps your stem cells from becoming damaged.

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Telomere testing now 1/2 price for a limited time

Until mid April, the cost of telomere testing will be lowered to just $500. Would you like to know how healthy your telomeres are? Let us mail you a testing kit. The cost includes a phone consultation with me regarding your results.

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Lobsters are immortal and maybe you can be too!

For tonight, I’ll let someone else do the heavy lifting. Dr. Joe Dispenza did a great job writing this article.

I have discussed this topic before, both with regard to lobsters and Dr. Blackburn’s study of men with prostate cancer.

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