Real patient experiences

Dave Goldberg, Harvard Class of ’89, passed away today

So we say farewell to “The good guy of Silicon Valley”. Maybe part of his good guy legacy was to empower Sheryl to move our culture forward with his love and support. As the voice of women seeking to “have it all” on their own terms by “leaning in”, she must have felt tremendous love and support throughout her mission

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Telomere basics: longer is NOT always better

In long-time users of telomerase activators, I tend to see a narrowing of the histogram which is great news as long as the progenitors are numerous and healthy. This means are less “crew cut” and “dreadlock” telomeres and that the system is rebalancing and lengthening the telomere efficiently.

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Say anything, sell anything, but do what works

At the Longevity Now conference, I know that my colleague Dave Woynarowski takes TA-65 and the sponsor of the event, David “Avocado” Wolfe on TA-65 also does.

What is interesting is that another of the gurus takes it but I won’t “out” him. He emalled me a couple of years back to pick my brain about TA-65 and this weekend I finally I had the opportunity to meet him

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Joe Mercola – superstar

Dr. Mercola would do well to remember that Mt. Olympus smiles up him because he is saying things that others without as large a voice are passionate about. Those faithful may never know the delights of his many bidets yet they provide his great wealth and influence because he serves a common good. The event seemed a bit like a coronation and I just hope he continues his mission of shining light upon the pitfalls of the medical-industrial complex. May pride and his many corporate enemies not conspire to take him down.

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