Real patient experiences

Longer sleep – longer telomeres

In keeping with the findings that healthy behaviors are good for you because they impact your telomeres, we now add sleep to the list of such behaviors that includes exercise, Mediterranean Diet, and meditation:

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Why Memorial Day is a pacifist’s holiday

I suppose the meta message of this post is that although we would never dishonor those who fell in military service, there should still be a discussion of the war they died in was just or even justified. I would argue that to decouple the legitimacy of their actions with the legitimacy of the mission is essential to honoring them.

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Exercise helps maintain telomeres

In this 2008 study of twins, British researchers looked at 52 pairs of identical and 15 pairs of fraternal twins and concluded that exercise, even after controlling for confounding variables of age, BMI, smoking, year of sampling, and socioeconomic status, was associated with telomere length preservation. The effect was 6 years of length for 100 minutes a week and 9 years of advantage for 3 hrs or more.

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“THE AGE OF ADELINE”- The reviews are in – and they suck! (but the movie did not)

I did want to spend a moment to review the reviewers, who generally disliked the movie. What DOESN’T surprise me as an anti-aging believer but DOES surprise me as a screenwriter is how obsessed the reviewers were with the premise and how they misinterpreted the heroine. This only reinforces the quote from Anais Nin: “We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are. “

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Shorter telomeres confer higher risk of dying

In this excellent review of the telomeres of 65,000 Danish people over seven years, they found that shorter telomeres were independently associated with about a 50% higher chance of dying after controlling for all confounding variables.

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Meditation activates telomerase

In this important study co-authored by Nobel Prize Winner for the discovery of the enzyme telomerase, they found significant increases in telomerase activity among participants in daily meditation.

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