Real patient experiences

Landmark Kaiser study of 100,000 patients confirms telomeres decline with age
In long-awaited and landmark study published yesterday in Genetics, Lapham and 28 other authors collaborated to report telomere length in a cohort of Kaiser patients who gave saliva samples.
What can a hole-in-one teach us?
Lokahi balance does not imply equality of positive and negative thoughts and emotions but rather the integration of everything as you flow.

The end game nears? – Aging may soon be soon be called a disease
This article is discussing trying to call aging a disease so that people can apply to the FDA for approval of drugs to treat it. This is not a great idea, I think.
I don’t believe aging could be considered a disease because it isn’t a discrete condition

Angry children have shorter telomeres
Children who are ‘acting out’ have shorter telomeres

You must change your oil constantly, not every 3,000 miles
Our body doesn’t go in for a total flush so it is sort of like have the oil continuously exchanged as it becomes sludgy from the accumulation of damaged stem cells that results from replicative senescence.