Real patient experiences

What can a painting teach us about why we THINK we age?

In the Picasso version, we have the closest to a pure expression sans our mundane subjectivity. There are shapes and colors but the ability to project morality and order upon it weakened. It is this final, morally and evolutionarily-bereft version that we find the greatest truth of aging.

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Van Gogh, unlike Picasso, was definitely called an a$$hole

Jeanne Louise Calment’s [other] claim to fame is the Feb. 21, 1875, listing in the birth register in Arles, the southern French city where she began her days and ended them.

She was 12 or 13 when she met Vincent Van Gogh in Arles, and she said later that he was ”very ugly, ungracious, impolite, sick — I forgive him, they called him loco.”

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Beyond good and evil (or why sometimes an arch is just an arch)

Turning back to triumphs and tragedies in our aging bodies, let’s look at the war in one of our patient’s bodies. In the case of Marty, a 70-yo who took RECHARGE for a year, his average telomere length in creased by 300 base pairs, or roughly 6 year’s worth assuming a rate of 50 bp/year of attrition.

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Synchronicity in Paris

Swiss mystic and psychologist wrote about seemingly non-random coincidences and called them synchronicity. In a weird sort of synchronicity, the picture that I one of the first times that I filled my Hyundai fuel cell vehicle in California featured this green beetle buzzing my head and landing on the pump.

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