Author: Edward

Real patient experiences

Your choice of telomere articles today

I have not watched the entire Blackburn interview but if you are so inclined, have at it:

She is not looking any younger but does give an account of playing with ants as a girl in Australia.

Alternatively, you could look at the other Google Alerts for today about telomeres showing that protecting them reduces aging whereas permitting telomere recombination ages them:

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Lung cancer video

The moral of the story, think outside the box if you want to stay there. She should have had the primary removed but couldn’t find a maverick surgeon to take it out even after she had cleared metastases to the brain and spine.

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Telomerase is like flying – Jimmy Olson don’t fly

I was asked for the 1,000th time today whether telomerase causes cancer since it is present in 85% of cancers. I found this interesting article supporting my focus on a cancer stem cell model- that is to say not all cancer cells are immortal either and there are special ones that retain their super-powers, like flying.

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A celebrity asked me about TA-65 and cancer in mice

I got an email from a celebrity who takes TA-65 yesterday. I can’t reveal the name but the concern was over an article about TA-65 and increased cancer risk in mice.

Although he didn’t likely say it, this quote is often attributed to Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. “There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Well in this case, it the statistics don’t even show what the article claims. In my blog, mentioned in my email reply, I explain why.

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Live Spinal Injury Webinar this WED April 8th @ 2pm PST

After a 2-yr hiatus, my Podcasts are returning with our 46th installment: Spinal Injury.

I will present a brief overview of Spinal Injury and then share a remarkable case of a man who is on the road to recovery after five years of complete paralysis.

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