Videos and Blogs

Foundational Lectures

What is an Exosome? In this 26-minute video Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains what exosomes are and why conditions like cancer and aging may be the direct result of the ecology that exosomes are creating.
What is aging? In this 31-minute video, Dr. Ed Park explains aging and how exosomes may be the cause and part of the solution for it.
Parabiosis In this 18-minute video, I explain parabiosis, or the mixing of young and old organisms. I explain how exosomes might mediating the effect of young blood making older individuals younger.
Cancer and exosomes In this 18-minute video, Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains a new paradigm for cancer in which it is not rare, hereditary, nor incurable. The role that exosomes play in cancer ecology is discussed.
Regenerative Joint therapies In this 38-minute video, Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains of how heroic attempts at helping the body repair have evolved over time. From masking symptoms, generating inflammation, and then using stem cells, everything has been leading up to the simple use of exosomes, the final common pathway to successful regeneration and healing.
Are all exosomes created equal In this 21-minute video, I explain that exosomes are all different. The cells are musicians that put messenger RNA, blocking RNA, and proteins into bespoke little packages that work like songs to make other cells “dance”.  I describe the types of commercially available exosomes
The FDA In this 23-minute video, I explain how the FDA works. I explain the “minimally-altered” standard that regulates use of stem cells in the United States. The reason that the FDA will likely never cure aging and most chronic diseases is explained in terms of their modus operandi.
What are the risks of exosomes? In this 17-minute video, Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains the possible risks associated with exosomes.
Dr. Park’s approach to exosomes In this 27-minute video, Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical reviews his approach to exosomes in the context of age mitigation, safety, efficacy, cost, and the patient-physician relationship.

Exosome Blogs

Exosomes 1: The Journey Begins week, I opened up the practice to close friends and longstanding patients. I will share some notes about my observations
Exosomes 2: Not inert is day 15 after injection and for the first time in a long time, this 80-yo completed his 5.8mile run without stopping to walk due to knee pain. He is very happy!
Exosomes 3: Brain and Neck trauma is possible that the anti-inflammatory nature of the exosomes helped to relax the muscles, allowing for resolution of the whiplash and muscle spasms that were producing subluxation
Exosomes 4: Back on the treadmill again appears that the benefits of tendon injection are gradual and continuous and are better at four weeks than at two weeks
Exosomes 5: Clinical Medicine in Bittersweeat“we don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.” Evidence-based medicine and the doctrines of standard empiricism offer a structure for analyzing medical decision making but are not sufficient to describe the more tacit processes of expert clinical judgment
Exosomes 6: Healing Takes Time patient whom I treated sent a 3-minute video of talk show host, Joe Rogan, explaining how he feels exosomes fixed his shoulder labrum tear
Exosomes 7: Nerve Pain Gone 24 hours, The pain she had endured for four years was completely gone and has remained gone for over a week
Exosomes 8: Disinformation or Bad Science you gently dissolve the lipid bilayers of the exosomes with detergent that doesn’t also destroy the contents, you can’t know what’s inside.
Exosomes 10: Interviews with exosomes experts watch these seven related videos interviewing experts in regenerative medicine with a focus on exosomes and their many uses.
Exosomes 11: Deb B’s knees are improving week’s blog is a video posting about my patient, 65-yo Deb B. She received exosome therapy two and a half weeks ago and from the first moments of injection, she has felt much better.
Exosomes 12: 80yo Doug runs 121 miles in 6 days week’s blog is about 80-yo Doug. Since exosome injection in March, he has been running…a lot. Just a few weeks ago, he ran 121miles in 6 days.
Exosomes 13: Microneedling my Mom with exosomes claims the face is smoother, wrinkles faded, and pores are smaller just four days after microneedling with exosomes
Exosomes 14: The shoulder“Ok you have me very excited. I went to the gym to test my bad shoulder that you injected. It is now better than my good shoulder. At least 90% improvement so far”
Exosomes 15: Face Blindness‘m happy to report that according to Lisa, her life has improved since receiving exosomes since there is about a 30% improvement which has brought her to the point of not being nervous in social situations.
Exosomes 16: Lectures in Hawaii have posted two lectures given in Hawaii. The first is a general lecture and the second is about clinical applications of exosomes.
Exosomes 17: Reading is “fun” damental you are someone who once enjoyed reading but now find it hard to concentrate, you may want to also consider nasal exosome therapy.
Exosomes 18: Dental health improved those of you who are battling the gradual loss of teeth and dental health, perhaps exosomes therapy can offer some relief
Exosomes 19: Chakra Balancing the traditional Hindu religion, they speak of Chakras which are subtle energy “wheels” of a mixed literal and allegorical nature
Exosomes 20: Seborrheoic Dematitis blog is about a case of seborrhoeic dermatitis that improved after exosomes given in conjuction with microneedling.
Exosomes 21: Bias in unavoidable ability to be a reliable historian and judge of any changes after exosome therapy is a challenge for nearly everyone.
Exosomes 22: Is there really no such thing as bad press? year ago, few people had heard of exosomes and everyone was a friend; 12 months later gossip and slander are as plentiful as beach balls and t-shirts from cannons at a summer music festival.
Exosomes 23: Stasis Dermatitis appears that exosomes from young exosomes may have helped the venous stasis and resultant dermatitis in this patient
Exosomes 24: How long do exosomes last? you wash an undamaged car really well and then garage it without driving in a dustless vacuum chamber away from the sun, the car will stay pretty clean for a really long time
Exosomes 25: knee treatments all the treatments I do, I believe exosome treatment of knees are the easiest, least painful, and most effective.
Exosomes 26: The Placebo Effect would like to believe that the placebo effect can repair many things but the truth is that faith healing comes from belief in real results and the will to be be young and healthy can only get us so far without the help of biochemistry
Exosomes 27: Soft signs of Exosomes Actions suppose you could say we experience a force in both a Newtonian sense and in the Star Wars sense!
Exosomes 28: Varicose Veins ten days of exosome therapy, this 48-yo’s varicose veins disappeared
Exosomes 29: Are exosomes “smart” likely, the exosomes dock and release their contents rather indiscriminately into any and all cells.
Exosomes 30: (video) real exosome patients video of the lecture I gave at the University of Hawaii, featuring some of my actual patients discussing their improvements.
Exosomes 31: Leg Swelling present some cases of resolution of leg swelling after use of exosomes and will explain what could be causing this improvement.
Exosomes 32: Nerve Regeneration 12 hours, the sensation returned in the first two fingers of his left hands and he experienced improvement in fine touch in the soles of his feet
Exosomes 33: Reversal of Menopause in a 71yo woman want to describe a fascinating case of resumption of menstruation in a 71-yo woman
Exosomes 34: Double Vision 7 weeks ago, I gave 5B IV MSC exosomes to a 76-yo woman whose medical history is notable for double vision for the last year. Since then, she states the double vision has resolved
Exosomes 35: Cold Hands and Feet 7 weeks ago, I gave 5B IV MSC exosomes to a 76-yo woman whose medical history is notable for double vision for the last year. Since then, she states the double vision has resolved
Exosomes 36: Tinnitus blog is a case report of a patient who experienced dramatic improvement in her tinnitus after exosome injection.
Exosomes 37: The First Year’s Results this blog, I would like to honestly and comprehensively review my first year of clinical use of exosomes.
Exosomes 38: Bell’s (Facial nerve) Palsy brief blog is a summary of an interesting case of Bell’s Palsy that improved after MSC exosome injection
Exosomes 39: The delayed reactions describe instances where the improvements after exosomes took months to manifest

Live Webinars

Exosome Webinar 1: What are Exosomes Dr. Ed Park explains what exosomes are. Run time 24 minutes
Exosome Webinar 2: “Back Pain” Dr. Ed Park explains back pain and its common causes. Can exosomes help? We speak to a patient who believes they did
Exosomes Webinar 3: The Shoulders Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains the shoulders, their common problems, and typical treatments. He also describes his experiences using exosomes in the areas.
Exosomes Webinar 4: The knees Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains knee anatomy and function. He describes common knee problems and their treatments.
Exosomes Webinar 5: Gout Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains what causes Gout and how it is typically managed.
Exosomes Webinar 6: The Hips Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains hip anatomy and function. Are you hip to how important the hips are?
Exosomes Webinar 7: Tendons Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical tendons and how they repair. He presents several cases of exosome use in tendinopathy
Exosomes Webinar 8: Menopause Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains current thinking on menopause and presents a remarkable case of a 73yo who resumed menstruation
Exosomes Webinar 9: Leaky Gut Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical presents a remarkable case of clinical improvements that may represent improvement in leaky gut syndrome. Is leaky gut a real thing?
Exosomes Webinar 10: Stasis Dermatitis https:/ Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains the common conditions of stasis dermatitis and leg swelling. He presents several cases of improvement after use of MSC exosomes
Exosomes Webinar 11: Nerve Generation Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical presents three cases of nerve regeneration after use of MSC exosomes. How do nerves regenerate?
Exosomes Webinar 12: Stroke Rehab Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains strokes and presents two cases of symptom improvement after exosome use
Exosomes Webinar 13: Dental Problems Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains dental problems and presents two cases where exosomes may have been helpful
Exosomes Webinar 14: Erectile dysfunction Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains what causes Erectile Dysfunction and the methods commonly used to treat it.
Exosomes Webinar 15: FAQs Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical addresses FAQs about exosome treatments. How are they different from stem cells? Are they FDA-approved? How much does it cost? What are his results?
Exosomes Webinar 16: Acne Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains acne: what causes it, how to prevent and treat it, and how exosomes might have helped one case improve
Exosomes Webinar 17: Tinnitus Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains tinnitus or ringing in the ears.
Exosomes Webinar 18: Face Blindness Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains face blindness, or prosopagnosia, which affects about one in fifty people.
Exosomes Webinar 19: Vision Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains vision and describes two cases of improvement after exosomes.
Exosomes Webinar 20: Hair Loss Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains hair growth and loss. Three cases of exosome use with microneedling are presented
Exosomes Webinar 21: Autoimmunity Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains autoimmunity by way of explaining our immune systems.
Exosomes Webinar 22: Aging Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains his theory of aging. How could exosomes help mitigate the challenges of aging?
Exosomes Webinar 23: MSCs Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical tries to explain what Mesenchymal Stem Cells are and why their exosomes are so special
Exosomes Webinar 24: Comparing exosomes Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains how exosomes are made and validated. Dr. Duncan Ross interviewed
Exosomes Webinar 25: Repeat Injections Why do 50% of our patients choose to repeat treatments?
Exosomes Webinar 26: Best Cases Dr. Park presents some the best results after exosome use
Exosomes Webinar 27: Unhappy Patients Dr. Ed Park explains why some patients are unhappy after exosome use. A live webinar with actual patients calling in
Exosomes Webinar 28: Science of Exosomes Dr. Ed Park of Recharge Biomedical explains of the basics of exosome science
Exosomes Webinar 29: ICYMI Dr. Ed Park reviews the educational materials he has been making regarding exosomes
Exosomes Webinar 30: Injection techniques Dr. Ed Park explains some common injection techniques
Exosomes Webinar 31: Stem Cells vs. Exosomes Dr. Ed Park explains the differences between stem cell and exosome therapy
Exosomes Webinar 32: Ask me Anything Dr. Ed Park answers your questions live. Topics include how they go where  they’re needed, what is the spinal versus epidural injection, and whether pets are telepathic
Exosomes Webinar 33: What is in exosomes? Dr. Ed Park does a live webinar explaining what is in MSC exosomes and how they may be assisting in regeneration and anti- inflammation.
Exosomes Lecture : 2022 A4M Dr. Ed Park recreates the lecture he gave at the 2022 American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
Provider Training Course Dr. Ed Park explains his online provider training course consisting of 20 lesons, 12-hours self-directed learning, and quiz questions.
Exosomes Lecture 2024 IHS Dr. Ed Park recreates his lecture to the Integrative Healthcare Symposium in 2024 in NYC. Movie trivia included
Exosomes: Songs of Healing”- Book Trailer Dr. Ed Park describes his book on Exosomes. An excellent review of aging and regenerative medicine.
Quantifying Exosomes Dr. Ed Park explains the methods of quantifying exosomes and presents data comparing various brands.
Are Exosomes a true Panacea? Dr. Ed Park explains why exosomes are nature’s panacea from head to toe.
Are Exosomes safe? Dr. Ed Park reviews six years of treatments and explains the very rare complications that can be seen
ISEV 2024 Dr. Ed Park presents a report from the annual International Society for Extracellular Vesicles in Melbourne, Australia
IntellxDNA Movie Trivia and Exosomes 2024 Dr. Ed Park recreates his fun movie trivia and exosomes lecture/td>
Autism and Chronic childhood disease A video reviewing the cuttin edge of understanding and managing autism and chronic diseases in children