I would like to offer you a deal- $0.99 cents for a book that will change your life for the better. With over 250 glossary items, 105 citations, and 344 illustrated pages, this book is endorsed by Suzanne Somers
Reading Time: 2 minutes
99 cents for a lifetime of wisdom? Offer ends March 5th!

I would like to offer you a deal- $0.99 cents for a book that will change your life for the better

This offer expires on March 5th, 2018.

For less than a buck, you can learn:

  1. Why all human consciousness is emotionally-based
  2. Why most of aging and disease shares a common cause- telomere erosion in stem cells
  3. How you can optimize breathing, sleep, mindset, exercise, diet, and supplements to increase telomerase
  4. A methodology for becoming happier, more productive, and healthier by mastering your own wellness.

Offer good for multiple ebook readers such as Nook, Kindle, iBooks, and Google Play.

If you don’t feel like you learned something new and valuable after reading it, I will refund your 99 cents personally!

More fun facts that you will learn about:

  • Even experts can drown in shallow water by breathing wrong
  • Everyone naturally wakes up every 90 minutes while sleeping
  • You can exercise your muscles into ruin
  • Excess vitamins also cause disease! Learn which ones
  • Certain foods are more fattening…and they are NOT the fats
  • Gratitude and laughter are key to staying young

With over 250 glossary items, 105 citations, and 344 illustrated pages, this book is endorsed by Suzanne Somers:

“deepened my understanding of physiology and inspired me. Dr. Park has an open mind and a big heart and that’s what makes is book not only easy, but really fun to read.” – Suzanne Somers

6 thoughts on “99 cents for a lifetime of wisdom? Offer ends March 5th!”

  1. Rosemary Barton

    Hi Dr Park,
    Would love the $.99 offer on your new book. How do I buy it!

  2. I would like to say this book was well worth the price. It is hard to get information like this with a different perspective that could be life changing. Overall I learned alot especially the analogy of the tmts to telomeres. Highly recommended.

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