Last week, I attended a biohacker conference called RAADFest, which stands for “Revolution against aging and dying.” Sadly, five people I met through the event have passed on.
I have gone perhaps five times in the past, and know about half of the speakers. Some, I’ve known since around 2007, when I became the 19th person in the world to take a telomerase activator known as TA-65.
This blog will be about telomerase activation and the phenomenon of meeting famous people.
Telomerase activation is finally accepted

This year, my friend’s husband asked a good question: “if you are taking many things, how do you know which one is working?” At least for me, I have spent 17 continuous years taking ONLY TA-65 or my generic version, Recharge, which contains the same active ingredient. No other supplements, medicines, or trips to the doctor (Knock on wood).
I believe that the pictures above show that from age 40 to 57, my aging has been slowed and my absence of reading glasses and grey hair on my head also suggest my aging has been slowed.
Interestingly, one of the gurus of ending aging once argued that telomerase should be deactivated in all cells. Fast forward to this year, most of the speakers applauded the benefit of activating telomerase, and the honoree was Liz Parrish, who states she took gene therapy to have increased telomerase activity, among other genes. Here is an interview I did with her in 2017. If you want to see a longer interview, watch this one that runs 45 minutes.
Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, and Ed Park

I’m a bit weird. I remember certain interactions, even from childhood, and although I sometimes struggle with names having the same starting letter and genre, I rarely forget a person.
Last week, my sister was in Korea at a party hosted by the most influential woman in Korea, and she texted me, “Jim Kim says hi.” Jim Kim was the President of the World Bank and of Dartmouth College. As impressive as those achievements are, I am also impressed that he remembers our relationship. At the age of 16, I met him while attending UCLA summer school; he inspired me to major in anthropology and to pursue medicine. He also started my love for volleyball, which ended up in establishing a volleyball program at my high school and later playing together on a club team at Harvard.
Compare and contrast this with Tiger Woods, whom I met around 2012. He is an honorary member at the golf club I belonged to, and I met him at the driving range. We talked briefly about his father, who had been cared for by my brain surgeon friend, and he introduced himself as “Eldrick.”
The next morning, he was sitting at breakfast alone, so I decided to join him. We talked a bit about his struggles and why growth hormone could contribute to tendon damage. I gave him my card and told him about TA-65. Not long after, a waiter came up to me and asked me to leave Tiger alone. Mr. Woods said nothing, which I thought was weird, so I left. The next year, he made a comeback and was player of the year. I don’t know if he took TA-65 but he did win five times in 2013.
My second son, Oliver, was in the same small school as Kobe’s eldest daughter, from kindergarten to 8th grade. As such, we spoke a few times although the longest conversation we had was about movies while our kids were counting their candy after trick-or-treating. I found him to be a bit guarded but generally a nice enough person. Years before, I did slip him a bottle of TA-65 at our back-to-school night, along with a copy of my graphic novel. I don’t know if he took it, but I did feel bad when he tore his Achilles so I did a webinar about that. I think I had one other patient with that injury but his was after ciprofloxacin use. See this blog about floxin-related tendonopathy.
"Fame! What's your name?"
Even though I’ve had over a million YouTube views, mostly about Telomerase activation but now about exosomes, I don’t consider myself a celebrity, and when others do, I shrug it off. There is a saying that “the same people you meet on your way up are the same ones you’ll meet on your way down.”
I was happy to treat my old friend, real estate coach Tom Ferry, in Dallas two weeks ago. Unlike Eldrick, Tom didn’t pretend to not know me when I walked up to him in front of 3000 of his conference attendees several years ago. I did that because part of his “origin story” was telling the story of how I introduced him to my YouTube exec friend during golf and he was referring to me.
He even mentioned the treatments he and his wife got in front of this year’s audience of more than 5000 and has posted multiple times about it on Instagram, showing me injecting his nose on two occasions. He feels it keeps his mind sharp and boy, is he sharp!

You make a difference in EVERYONE's life
Like Tom Ferry, I knew Dave Asprey from before his rise to fame and riches. I lectured at a Silicon Valley biohackers meeting probably around 2009 and he asked me my advice about TA-65. He took a generic equivalent during the years he was building his Bulletproof brand and his enormously successful Biohacker platform.
After a mortal undergoes apotheosis, you never know if they are going to pretend to not know you. A few months back, I ran into a very successful actor and producer at the local bakery and he treated me like paparazzi despite having been to his play, gone to his son’s Scooter’s Jungle birthday celebration, and our families sharing dinner at Nobu in Honolulu. I get it, he probably doesn’t remember me or he meets so many people that, like Brad Pitt, he alleges face blindness (which is something we’ve also helped using exosomes- see this video.) But I definitely got the feeling that couldn’t be bothered with someone he knew before his rise to stardom.
When it comes to Dave, I thought perhaps he would act like we didn’t know each other I was happy to see that he did recognize our history and he even asked me to give him some exosome treatments last week at the RAADFest. Watch this video from 2017 to see me interview Dave

What's are the lessons?
If you do just one thing, perhaps telomerase activation, which is the thing I’ve taken for 17 years, makes a positive difference. Learn more and order at or my YouTube channel of “drpark65.” Now that we have exosomes, we have 2/3 of the aging problem addressed (i.e. Vishnu is maintenance and Brahma is rebirth.)
Secondly, every single person you meet is influenced by you. One nice person, Rob, came up to me last week and thanked me for my now “memory-holed” blogs about Covid-19 during the early years. He says my thoughts helped him avoid mRNA spike protein “vaccination” and that as a result, he hasn’t had the same health challenges that many of his friends have had.
I recommend that you stay open to a wide range of people and understand they are in your lives for a reason. You can enjoy them, or you can act like you’re on your way to something more important and sadly miss out on the power of synchronicity in your life.