Now Mr. Potter would rather be loved than feared
Our real world is quickly becoming “Bizarro Pottersville” as the most entitled and wealthy men on the planet calling for income redistribution.
Our real world is quickly becoming “Bizarro Pottersville” as the most entitled and wealthy men on the planet calling for income redistribution.
What if much of the dragon-like sociopathic acting out of older men stems from loss of sexual function? Of course you don’t mind ushering in the end of days and the next apocalypse if your own ability to connect with the generative powers of sex are fading away!
Here is a link to my video updating our fundraising for Legal Defense.
Thanks to your kind donations, I have retained legal counsel and will do what I can to preserve my work and ideas for others in the future.
Greece will default, exit the Eurozone, and then engineer a bail-in to create a new national currency
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness