Swiss mystic and psychologist wrote about seemingly non-random coincidences and called them synchronicity. In a weird sort of synchronicity, the picture that I one of the first times that I filled my Hyundai fuel cell vehicle in California featured this green beetle buzzing my head and landing on the pump.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Synchronicity in Paris

We are enjoying the beautiful weather in Paris by using the shared bike system called Velib.
There are bikes for rent every few blocks, for 8 euros a week as a tourist, and you just rent and use for 30 minutes or less, and there is no extra charge.


(They also have cars for rent called Autolib.  Instead of everyone buying a new car in America, what if we could share things? Would that cause price deflation and a derailing of the quantitative easing/spend out of recession mentality?)

Anyway, we were riding around St. Germain des Prés looking for Cafe Deux Magots, when we took a wrong turn. This led me to the refer to the map and when I pulled between two cars,  I looked down to discover one of only a handful of Hyundai Fuel Cell vehicles in Europe that I also own and blogged about here.  Synchronicity!


Swiss mystic and psychologist wrote about seemingly non-random coincidences and called them synchronicity.  In a weird sort of synchronicity, the picture that I one of the first times that I filled my Hyundai fuel cell vehicle in California featured this green beetle buzzing my head and landing on the pump.



Well I just learned that the Wikipedia entry on synchronicity features a similar beetle (cue Twilight Zone theme)

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I feel that when a person is in Lokahi, or balanced flow, good things can happen. When we see the chaos and seeming mishaps of our life, perhaps those events are merely reshuffling for better opportunities. When we become frozen in our thoughts and neurosis, illness and unhappiness ensue.

We just learned that a potential shooter was subdued two days ago on the high speed train line that we were on. We missed that event by two days and it was the same train but going in the opposite direction.  I choose to consider this an event unrelated to us.  But if we could really see the grand scheme of things, in truth, all things are related via the world soul or collective unconscious. It just wasn’t our time.

I think Einstein said it well:


Let us live as though everything is a miracle and that opportunity, adversity, and change are always available to us to unfold new wisdom and richness from our experiences.




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